9.4: Putting Everything Together

After understanding different methods of model explainability, now let us try to apply the methods for the hotel room booking prediction, and hotel booking cancellation datasets.

9.4.1    Hotel Total Room Booking

We tried all 4 methods of explaining the Lightgbm model, partial dependence plot, accumulated local effects plot, permutation feature importance, and surrogate model. For these two datasets, we were able to create acceptable level of model performance through metaheuristics feature selection.

We tried a surrogate linear regression model. However, the RMSE of the model was more than 30. Hence, we will not include the surrogate model for understanding the Lightgbm regression model. Permutation feature importance is the easiest to interpret, as it gives the features in decreasing order of importance for the model. Let us start with this method. This can be seen in figure

Figure permutation feature importance plot for Lightgbm regression model for the hotel total room booking dataset.

The first feature is a higher order feature of cumulative rooms sold for the hotel, for a specific check-in date, at a lead time. Total rooms to be sold does have an impact on seasonality, as evidenced by the second most important feature, which is the month of the year encoded feature.

To a layman, we can explain that sold rooms inventory for a check-in date, and the monthly seasonality of the booking demand have the biggest impact on total room demand for a check-in date. This can help the machine learning engineer to speak in layman's terms and convince the users to adopt the model.

We will now look at the partial dependence plot for the Lightgbm regression model in figure

Figure partial dependence plot of Lightgbm regression model for the hotel total room booking dataset.

The most impactful features have the sharpest curves. The most important is the plot represented in the second row, first column. This is a higher order feature of the cumulative number of net rooms sold. This is an almost linear relationship. The second most impactful feature is the last subplot in the third row and third column. This is an encoded feature of the month feature. The months are encoded from 0 to 11. Since this is a categorical feature, it will not be appropriate to deduct a conclusion based on the shape of the relationship. We can however conclude the different levels of hotel reservations for different months. Now let us look at the accumulated local effects plot for the same dataset in figure

Figure accumulated local effects plot of Lightgbm regression model for the hotel total room booking dataset.

The accumulated local effects plot explains the model performance after accommodating the correlation among features. We can see that the most important feature is the same as it was in the partial dependence plot. For the second most important feature, the extent of the impact is less. However, it still has the second-highest sharp changes for different values of the feature.

In addition to the inferences drawn from the three plots, we see that there is very little difference between the partial dependence plot and the accumulated local effects plot. There is one advantage with the accumulated local effects plot, as it overcomes the disadvantage of a partial dependence plot, which cannot work with correlated features. Although the partial dependence plot and accumulated local effects plots carry more information than the permutation feature importance plot, the latter is more legible and easier to read if the model has a huge number of features.

For the hotel bookings cancellations dataset, we will restrict our investigation for overall model explanation to accumulated local effects plot, and permutation feature importance. For the rest of this section, we will discuss explaining individual predictions of hotel total room booking prediction.

Figure Individual Conditional Expectation plot of Lightgbm regression model for the hotel total room booking dataset for the first 10 rows of external test data.

The ICE plot in figure suggests that there is a degree of non-linearity between the feature 'CumulativeNumberOfRoomsNet_Quartile_Encoded' and the dependent variable. For many cases, the number of total bookings increases as we move up towards the higher quartile of the number of net cumulative rooms sold. However, in some cases, it decreases after increasing for a short while. Hence the relationship could be non-linear.

Let us now look at the LIME interpretation of a single row of data from the 4th index of external test data, as displayed in figure

Figure LIME plot of Lightgbm regression model for the hotel total room booking dataset for the 4th row of external test data.

The above plot has 3 parts. Let us understand the first part. The predicted value displays higher values in orange color and smaller values in blue color. The prediction from model 189.01 is a high value. The second subplot has a negative and positive relationship indicator against the feature. For example, for the  DayOfWeek_Encoded  feature, total rooms increase in demand for days that are farther from Monday. Similarly, for the  AdjustedLeadTimeCumulativeNumberOfRoomsNet_Quartile_Encoded  feature, it has a negative relationship with total room demand. This is the interaction between lead time and the net number of rooms quartile feature. The second part of the plot also suggests the current value for the feature, against a threshold set by the model. For example, the  DayOfMonth_Encoded  feature, has a negative relationship with the total rooms sold for a check-in date. I.e. Total number of rooms is sold more towards the beginning of the month, and then gradually decreases as the month passes. Here the value is 20, which is higher than the set threshold of 15, and the check-in date for which the model has predicted is farther in the month.

The third part of the plot is a table and simply denotes each feature in orange and blue color, depending on whether the feature has a positive or negative relationship with the dependent variable. The second column of the table shows the actual values of the feature for the specific row.

Now let us look at the counterfactual model explanation for the same observation in 4th row, in figure

Figure Counterfactual plot of Lightgbm regression model for the hotel total room booking dataset for the 4th row of external test data.

We can clearly see that month of the year encoded feature has highest impact, as identified by the counterfactual plot. A small change the value of month can bring a drastic change in the model prediction. This was followed by the  AdjustedLeadTimeCumulativeRevenueNet_Quartile_Encoded  feature.

Now let us look at the SHAP model explanation for the same observation in 4th row, in figure

Figure SHAP plot of Lightgbm regression model for the hotel total room booking dataset for the 4th row of external test data.

This plot is a simple and easy-to-understand explanation of the prediction for 4th row of data. The plot ranks the extent of impact each feature had on the specific prediction. The month of the year and day of the week has the most impact on predicting the 4th row of data. This indicates a strong trend and seasonality impact for this check-in date.

9.4.2    Hotel Booking Cancellation

We will look at permutation feature importance, and the accumulated local effects plot for the overall model explanation in this section. We tried creating a logistic regression surrogate model. However, its precision was found to be very low at 0.19 for the external test data. Hence, we will not try the surrogate model explanation for the hotel booking cancellation dataset.

Amongst the partial dependence plots and accumulated local effects plots, the latter is more robust as it considers the correlation among features. Hence, we will discuss the latter. As the number of features in the model is quite high, we will restrict our model explanation to the topmost features. Let us now look at figure for the top 7 features based on the variation each feature has concerning the dependent variable.

Figure Accumulated local effects plot of Xgboost classification model for the hotel booking cancellation dataset

We can see from the plot that the lead time, followed by annual daily revenue (ADR) makes a huge impact on the dependent variable. This is confirmed by the huge variation in the plot, as well as distinctly visible scatter data points.

Let us now perform permutation feature importance for the top 40 features in figure

Figure Permutation feature importance plot of Xgboost classification model for the hotel booking cancellation dataset

Permutation feature importance suggests that country is the biggest contributor to booking cancellation in the model. This is followed by lead time and agent. Guests from certain countries, as well as reservations from certain agents, are more likely to lead to cancelation in comparison to others. While reporting this, we also need to consider the ethical aspects of the model, so that it is not inherently biased and discriminatory towards different nationalities.

After understanding the model as a whole, now let us try to explore individual predictions made by the model. Let us start with ICE plots in figure with 10 example observations from external test data.

Figure Individual Conditional Expectation plot of Xgboost classification model for the hotel booking cancellation dataset for the first 10 rows of external test data.

The ICE plot in figure suggests that lead time and previous cancellations are clear indicators of the likelihood of cancellation for the hotel reservation. Although in some cases, it is difficult to differentiate, as seen for the lead time square root value between 7.5 and 10. However, in comparison to other features, these features give a clear indication of cancellation behavior.

Now let us look at the LIME plot for the Xgboost model in figure As the number of features is numerous, we will be focusing on top features only.

Figure LIME plot of Xgboost classification model for the hotel booking cancellation dataset for the 4th row of external test data.

The prediction value is 0.97 as the probability of the reservation being canceled. The table on the right-hand side in figure has the actual value of different features, based on which the Xgboost model predicted 0.97. The current value for the feature  LeadTime_Sqrt  is 19.57, which is higher than the threshold identified by LIME as 12.49 for the feature, beyond which the likelihood of cancellation increases.

We tried counterfactual explanations. However, it was not conclusive for the 4th observation in external test data. Hence, we will look at SHAP explanations for the 4th observation in the external test data for the top 20 features, as identified by the SHAP explanation.


Figure SHAP plot of Xgboost classification model for the hotel booking cancellation dataset for the 4th row of external test data.

The highest impact for the model prediction is made by encoded features of the country and the square root of lead time respectively. This matches with permutation feature importance in figure