10.2: Feature Construction

For text classification, the most common features used are 1) N-gram (Unigram, bigram, and trigram) 2) syntactic N-gram (SN-gram) 3) Domain-specific taxonomy features and 4) Meta features. This applies to both deep learning and traditional machine learning algorithms.

10.2.1  N-gram

In human language, words do not occur in isolation. Often, we need other supporting words to understand the whole situation. For example, if you want to invite your friend for coffee. You will not simply tell your friend 'Coffee'. Instead, you might say  Let's go for coffee . Here we needed 3 words:  Let's go for , to be able to explain our core objective of inviting friends for 'coffee'. Similarly, in some situations, we will need words after the main context word to understand the situation. This is not always true however, let's imagine your friend is sitting at your house and you prepared coffee in your kitchen. You proceed towards your friend with an extra cup of coffee and offer him after saying only one word 'coffee'. Most likely your friend will understand that you are offering him coffee and will accept it gracefully.

N-grams are a sequence of elements such as words, characters, part of speech, and dependency tags as they appear in the text.  n  in n-grams refers to the number of elements in the sequence.

We can represent a text document in multiple ways in n-gram for feature construction while considering whether to include previous and next words. The most common types are unigram, bi-gram, and tri-gram

Uni-gram is a way of representing textual words in isolation. bi-gram represents texts by considering one surrounding word, in addition to the current word. tr-gram considers 2 previous words, in addition to the current word. We can similarly go for quad-gram and so on. However, the number of unique n-grams increases manifold and becomes difficult to represent as machine learning features embedding and training a classifier. Beyond uni-gram, in n-gram, words are concatenated with each other using a special character such as the underscore  _ .

Example: For a sentence that reads "You are so adorable!". Below is an example of n-grams.

uni-gram: ["you", "are", "so", "adorable", ! ]

bi-gram: ["you_are", "are_so", "so_adorable", adorable_! ]

tri-gram: ["you_are_so", "are_so_adorable", "so_adorable_!"]

10.2.2  Syntactic N-gram

If n-grams are extracted by the order in which the elements are present in syntactic dependency trees that follow each other in the path of the syntactic tree, and not in the text. We call such n-grams syntactic n-grams (sn-grams) [1].

Human spoken and written languages typically follow a hierarchy structure, such as sentences, clauses, phrases, and words. The dependency tree is a visual representation of the linguistic structure, in which the grammatical hierarchy is graphically displayed. Connecting points in the tree diagram are called nodes, with one word being the head and the other being the dependent of the relation. Syntactic dependencies are obtained through dependency parsing.

Consider the example sentence which can be a sarcastic remark to an obese person  You should not run anymore . Figure 10.2.2 shows how the dependency parse tree will look like, along with.

Fig 10.2.2: syntactic dependency tree for example.

In this example,  run  is the root word. Below are the dependency relationships in this sentence.

(run, You), connected by nominal subject relationship.

(run, should), connected by an auxiliary.

(run, not), connected by a negation modifier.

(run, more), connected by an adverb modifier.

(more, any), connected by an adverb modifier.

We follow the arrow-marked path in the dependencies to obtain syntactic n-grams. In this example, all the relationships are between 2 words only, except for  run  ->  more  ->  any , where the path exists between 3 words. This can be a candidate for syntactic tri-gram.

We used the companion python library SNgramExtractor for this book and extracted the below pairs of syntactic bi-grams and tri-grams from the example sentence.

Syntactic bi-grams: "run_You", "run_should", "run_not", "more_any", "run_more"

Syntactic tri-gram: "run_more_any"

SngramExtractor uses Spacy language model for extracting sn-grams. We can also specify which language model we want to use. This allows us to use non-English language models and extract syntactic n-grams of non-English languages as well. SngramExtractor follows object-oriented pattern. It can process one sentence at a time. For an example sentence 'You should not run any more', below syntax will help us extract bi-gram and tri-gram.

text = 'You should not run any more'
'Original Text:',text)
'SNGram bigram:',output['SNBigram'])
'SNGram trigram:',output['SNTrigram'])

In this syntax, we have not specified nlp_model parameter. This has been set as  None . In such a case, we use en_core_web_sm, as the default language model. Below is how the output will look like for the executed syntax.

Original Text: You should not run any more
SNGram bigram: run_You run_should run_not more_any run_more
SNGram trigram: run_more_any

Unlike traditional n-grams, syntactic n-grams are less arbitrary. Dependency parsing is language-specific and different for each language. Hence by extracting syntactic n-grams, we can include linguistic-rich features in our model. Additionally, as we are not including all the possible n-grams that can be created, their numbers are less than the number of traditional n-grams. Hence, syntactic n-gram features can be interpreted as a linguistic phenomenon, while traditional n-grams have no plausible linguistic interpretation and they are merely a statistical artifact.

One shortcoming with syntactic n-gram is that it is dependent on the availability of syntactic parser and lexical resources. Not all human language has lexical resources to be able to build SN-gram. For the languages for which we have lexical resources available, it requires the construction of dependency parse trees, which increases processing time. In contrast, traditional n-grams are faster to compute.

10.2.3  Domain-Specific Taxonomy Features

The use of background knowledge is largely unexploited in text classification tasks. To include background knowledge in the form of metadata, ontology or taxonomy-generated features can be incorporated in machine learning classifiers. It acts as a second-level context. It can lead to improved interpretability and performance of the model. For doing so, we focus on semantic structures, derived through hypernym relation between words.

Individual words are mapped to higher-order semantic concepts. For example, for the word  tiger , its WordNet hypernym is the term  mammal . It can be further mapped with  animals . We can ultimately reach the most general term, which is an entity.

Before we construct hypernym-based features, word-sense disambiguation should be performed, get the exact context behind the word. For example, the word bank can have different meanings, in different contexts. Between the sentences "I went to the bank to withdraw money." and "I was relaxing near the bank of the river in the morning.". In both sentences, the meaning of bank is different. In the first sentence, the bank refers to a financial institution and in the second sentence, a bank refers to a recreational place.

For each word in the document, we find a hypernym path between the word and the most general term. Document-based taxonomy thus created, is a tree-like structure. Word-specific tree structures are collated at the document level to create a corpus-based taxonomy at the document level.

One shortcoming of using the Wordnet-based taxonomy feature is that Wordnet is a general-purpose taxonomy. If a customized lexical resource can be created for the specific domain for which the classifier is being developed, it can sharply increase the machine learning classifier and its usability even further.

10.2.4  Meta Features

These features have been used previously in predicting whether a question posted on StackOverflow can be deleted. Stackoverflow is an online forum for software engineers and programmers to post their questions. This website is moderated by volunteers who delete questions that are too broad or off-topic. To reduce manual moderation and automate this task, several algorithms and approaches have been suggested. One such method [2] is to use meta-features from past user-generated content and site-generated statistics. Meta features from the users were grouped into 4 categories: profile, community, content, and syntactic.

Profile features are defined based on the historical statistics of the user who posted the question. For example, how old is the account which posted the question, the number of previous questions, the number of previous answers, the question to the age of account ratio, answer to the age of account ratio. This can be used for example in Twitter, how many tweets have been posted, how many tweets replied to, how many tweets are liked, and how many people follow the Twitter account. Similarly, many such statistics can be computed for the users as scores based on functionalities available on the social media website.

Community features in StackOverflow are average reputation and popularity statistics for the user. For example, the average answer score, the average number of comments, and the average question score. On Twitter, for example, we can calculate the average number of retweets for the tweets of users, the average number of likes, and replies received in the past for their tweets.

Many of the content and syntactic meta-features use LIWC scores. LIWC stands for Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count. LIWC2007 is a software that contains 4,500 words and 64 hierarchical dictionary categories. Given an input natural language text document, it outputs a score for the input against all 64 categories after analyzing writing style and psychometric properties.

Content features were computed based on the textual content of the question. For example, the average number of URLs, number of previous tags, and LIWC score of Pronouns. On Twitter, we can similarly calculate the average number of hashtags used by users in past, and the number of links posted.

Syntactic features are computed based on the writing style of the written text. For example, the number of characters, upper case characters, lower case characters, and digits in the text document. These can be used as it is.